Phd Thesis "The Contribution of Islamic Banking to Economic Development (the Case of the Islamic Republic of Iran)"

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Durham E-Theses

The Contribution of Islamic Banking to Economic Development (The Case of The Islamic Republic of Iran)


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RAJAEI-BAGHSIYAEI, MOHAMMAD (2011) The Contribution of Islamic Banking to Economic

Development (The Case of The Islamic Republic of Iran) , Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online:

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The Contribution of Islamic Banking to Economic Development

(The Case of The Islamic Republic of Iran)

By Mohammad Rajaei Baghsiyaei

A Thesis Submitted in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the School of Government and International Affairs Durham University



Islamic banking is a new industry which has attracted the attention of many economists in the world regarding its ability to operate successfully and its instruments for mobilising and allocating monetary resources (Deposits). Usually, in the majority of Islamic countries and in some non-Islamic countries, Islamic banking works as one part of a banking system. There are few countries where the banking system is completely Islamic and the Islamic Republic of Iran is one of them. In a...