How Far Do You Agree That Lady Macbeth Is Presented as a “Fiend-Like Queen”?

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Date Submitted: 02/20/2014 02:50 PM

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How far do you agree that Lady Macbeth is presented as a “fiend-like queen”?

It could be argued that Shakespeare has presented Lady Macbeth as a “fiend-like queen” as some people may think she is responsible for having caused Macbeth to kill so many people for her own gain. However, later on in the play in Act 3 it could be suggested that she has a turning point as she no longer becomes directly involved with the any decisions Macbeth makes, but instead she no longer any control over Macbeth, therefore a change in character.

During the beginning of the play, in Act 1 Scene 7, Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth in killing Duncan which reinforces the idea that Shakespeare is presenting her as “fiend-like queen.” As it could be suggested that she was the root of causing Macbeth constant killings which makes her responsible. Moreover, Shakespeare uses imagery to represent Lady Macbeth’s violent character, when talking about the extent she would go to, no matter what the consequences. ‘I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums And dashed the brains out.’ The effects of this to the Shakespearean audience would make them horrified as married women back then were stereotypically mothers and house wives. Therefore, Lady Macbeth going against motherhood of taking care of a child makes her seem evil as described, ‘dashed the brains out.’ Also, this shows how she would sacrifice her femininity and humanity shown through the violent description to do what it takes for Macbeth to complete the prophecy.

However, it could be argued that she is only putting on an act in front of Macbeth to persuade him to kill Duncan to get what she wants as she mentions, ‘valour of my tounge.’ This shows how she will persuade him and confident that the prophecy will be completed. Her main desires are to achieve a good future with her husband who could argue that she does not intend for continuous evil and only wants her husband to be king to...