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Government Spending and Taxation

Government Spending and Taxation

Donnie Smith

Grantham University

Executive Summary

The growth of our country and the needs have put a large load on the backs of the working class people. The standards of living have caused most people to expect certain things without even considering if they really a necessity. The economic challenges that have caused our country to fail are those expected free entitlements that most people work a lifetime for. The Government has lowered its standards so that all can enjoy new homes, education, pay without working and healthcare. The only thing is nothing is free someone foots the bill for those great program. The working class or blue collar group has two jobs to keep above life cost of raising kids and keep a standard of living. The largest of contributors to the tax revenue is the middle class. The American people have lost their way in the maze of consumer products that plague our TV, Cell Phones, and Internet. The choices made by our government to barrow more other than pay off debt has trickled all the way down to you and me.

The normal thought is I work should get what I want when I want it. We all make choices every day that affect our life and those in it that are so closely connected to us. The most important question is will there be anything left over when all resources and banks are empty. The future is ours but are we planning for the long term not just today. Do we need Health Care reform or is it Government reform that is greatly in demand.

Guidepost Comparisons:

1) The Government does use Scare Resources to control consumer from using too much gas, oil, electricity. The pricing index help curb the consumers usage and explaining we are having to import over half...