Rain Man

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Views: 726

Words: 409

Pages: 2

Category: Philosophy and Psychology

Date Submitted: 09/29/2010 08:41 AM

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Rain Man is a story about a young self-centered Californian man name Charlie Babbitt who was able to learn what it mean to care for others after spending a few day with a brother he never knew he had until recently. The film Rain Man started out when Charlie Babbitt is informed that his father who he haven’t seen for years has died. Charlie believe that he is the only child so he expected to inherited his father 3 million dollar estate, but instead, he only received his father prized rose bushes and a 1949 Buick Roadmaster car. Charlie discovered that the 3 million dollars is being held as a trust fund for an unidentified person, but unable to accept the news, Charlie was able to trace the trust fund to an institution for the mentally challenged, Wallbrook. It was there that Charlie discovered that he have an autistic older brother named Raymond Babbitt he never knew existed. Charlie tries to convince Raymond guardian doctor to give him half the trust fund, but failed. Charlie then abducted his brother from the institution, hoping to ransom the doctor for at least half of the 3 million dollar trust funds. Charlie was going to take Raymond back with him to California but Raymond’s fear of flying forces them to take a long cross-country road trip back to California.

During the road trip, Charlie was force to accommodate with Raymond Autistic disorder in which he has to follow a rigid daily schedule: for example, he must watch people’s court, eat, and sleep everyday at the same time. It was due to this road trip that Charlie and Raymond were able to reconnect. Charlie also found out during the trip that he actually known his brother when they were young; Raymond was the rain man who Charlie mentions sings to him, he just mispronounces Raymond as rain man. By the time they reached California, Charlie love for his brother had grown so strong that he even turns down Raymond guardian doctor offer of 250,000 dollar to return his brother and walk away. In...