Project Management

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Edgar L Salas Borrero

CEE 609 Engineering Management

January 26, 2015

A Unique Method for Traveler – Tracking at Copenhagen Airport.

1-Are the triple constraints of this project clear? What are they?

Yes, the triple constraints are clear. The triple constraints are:

-Time(3 year project)

-Budget(2 electronics reader that cost $30 each)

-Scope(well defined and the specific set of desired end results)

2-What was unique about this project? What was the main conflict?

The project was unique because they used a low cost device to track passenger’s signals from their Bluetooth.

The main conflict is keep safe the people´s privacy and not everyone had a smartphone that emits signals, just 7 percent.

3-Why are the travelers themselves a stakeholder in this project, since most of them won’t even know they are being tracked?

Without travelers the project could not be done due to the information obtained from their Bluetooth. For their devices the travelers will know about construction and rerouting changes traffic flows, the time that they must wait in line for TSA it should be short, they will receive some benefits.

4-How widespread do you think this technology will become? What uses will be garnered from it? Do any of them concern you?

This technology will be widespread because when people are travelling they need to know as much as they can about their flights, what is going on at the airport, time of arrivals, departures, time in line to walk-in through TSA.