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Social Work Sample Interviewing Questions

Interviews can be 20 minutes long of full days where you meet with a number of constituents. They can be one on one, in a group, or over the phone. Be prepared by knowing your audience and practicing ahead of time. Think about the interview as not just the agency’s interview of you but also your interview of them. This is the chance you get to see if you would enjoy working there, get along with other staff, will be supported by your supervisor etc.

Question will include generic ones about yourself and your skills, and also specific ones related to the position and how you can contribute to the agency. They may also include a case study, role-play, and/or helpful response questionnaires (HRQs). If you are applying for a content specific position, such as domestic violence, homelessness, or youth substance abuse (for example), you may also get questions related to why these issues persist in our society. What are the main causes of homelessness? What would you say to someone who didn’t understand why youth engage in substance use? Be ready to articulate a position on these more global questions.

Beyond their questions for you, make sure you have questions for them! Take them in with you on a presentable notepad/portfolio, so you don’t forget them. Prepare several in case some are answered through the course of the interview. This ensures you have at 1-2 to ask. Questions might include:

1. Would you share with me what you love about working here?

2. What supports exist for professional development?

3. What does supervision look like in this position? Is there opportunity for licensure supervision?

4. What would you like to see from the successful candidate in the first 3 months?

5. What skills are you looking for in this role?

6. What is the timeline of the process?

Below are a number of possible interview questions you could be asked. Many questions tend to be behavioral based....