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Asheli Nash

English 1013

4 September 2015


Teaching is a really busy and important occupation. A teacher is a person or thing that teaches different things such as, different subjects, different colors, numbers, etc. This occupation is to instruct. It’s three different stages which is elementary, middle, and high school. Schools are one of the first where kid’s behavior and future starts.

Elementary is where everything starts, as a teacher you have the ability to teach children how to read, write, add, and subtract. Everything is new to the young children. This is the beginning so teaching elementary students might be a little difficult. You’re getting them ready for the future, things they’ll need to know before going to the next grade. When children start second, third, and fourth grade you will have to teach the students how to write essay’s as well as multiplication, division, and how to write in cursive. Around this stage children find out who they are, as a teacher you will have to teach them being silly is not always acceptable and being mature do exist.

Second stage is middle level students, which is sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. At this stage they are young adults and more independent. They are growing up, but still in the process of learning. This is a crucial stage, setting then up for high school.

High school, as we all know is the most important. The minds are older and wiser. Teaching high school students isn’t so difficult. They are willing to learn, high school students are capable of understanding and thinking on their own. There are a lot of positive outcomes becoming a teacher. Instead of sitting in an office behind a desk all day, you will get to stand, interact with the students, and enjoy your job.