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Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 11/03/2015 02:17 PM

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How Aflac Extends God’s Kingdom |

How Aflac Extends God’s Kingdom |

How Aflac Participates in God’s Redemptive Plan for Creation

“Business activity should be seen as a legitimate and important calling and as a proper venue to exercise one’s giftedness and, above all, to advance God’s kingdom on earth” (Rae & Wong 138-139). "The gospel is the true story that God made a good world that was marred by sin and evil, but through Jesus Christ he redeemed it at infinite cost to himself, so that someday he will return to renew all creation; end all suffering and death; and restore absolute peace, justice, and joy in the world forever” (Keller 162). “Although Aflac is not a religious company, it was founded and built upon principles rooted in Christianity. I believe the teachings of Jesus absolutely create the right principles. I believe they’re the right way of treating other people. I believe they’re the right way of acting in this world. The way Aflac exemplifies these principles is through the Aflac Way, a book that every employee receives covering customer service, how people are treated and our company’s basic principles. Almost all of those principles come in some way from Scripture, adapted for use in the workplace. They might be as simple as, ‘Everyone is important. No matter who walks through the door, whether it’s the man in overalls or a straw hat or the man in a $500 suit, everyone is treated equally.’ I believe Aflac’s success has come from doing the right thing, from fulfilling the promises that we make. We don’t make a tangible good. We make a promise. Really, that’s all we have -- our word -- so how we fulfill that promise and how we carry out those principles of Christianity, what we do to reinforce the body of Christ, makes all the difference in the world” (Amos-Faith & Leadership).

All work is blessed by God to be a glorious use of our gifts and his resources to prosper the world. “Purpose of work is to serve and exalt something beyond...