Military Strength Needs to Be Increased

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Category: Science and Technology

Date Submitted: 11/06/2015 12:45 AM

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The World is a Dangerous Place Humanity will always go to war, it is human nature. We must not be complacent. Eternal vigilance is the only thing that keeps us safe.

India must NOT become complacent. Yes Government spending needs to be cut, but. it needs to be cut in the areas of the health, education and welfare. Yet the very survival of the Indian Nation depends on the Military, and the world is becoming more dangerous, so Military spending MUST be increased.

Don't think war will never happen again. Countless times throughout history entire populations have been slain and/or enslaved, because they neglected to spend enough money on their Defence capabilities.

The world is not staying still. Those people on the No side who think India could stop spending on Defence for thirty years and still be safe are delusional.

The ONLY way to be safe is ETERNAL VIGILANCE. We must INCREASE our Defence spending, because war is inevitable and we must be prepared for it when that day comes.

Economic crisis ALWAYS leads to wars. ALWAYS. And the world is in economic crisis NOW. There can be no doubt that the next major war will be upon us within a few years.

WE MUST BE PREPARED. Its a life or death matter. I really think those people on the No side are traitors. They would rather waste tax payers money on health, education and welfare rather than fund what is the only really legitimate role of the Government , Defence!!!!

Health, education and welfare spending is Socialism. History shows that Socialism doesn't work! We need to stop spending money on health, education and welfare, and INCREASE MILITARY SPENDING.

It is the only way to ensure that the Great World continues to exist and stays strong.