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Words: 505

Pages: 3

Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 06/09/2016 10:50 PM

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Ballard Integrated Managed Services, (BIMS) has been struggling with employee morale and a high turnover rate recently. The company decided to create a survey that would be administered to all employees, excluding management. 452 surveys were handed out and only 78 responses were received so BIMS thought it was necessary to prepare another survey. BIMS was hoping that the results from the survey would give the management team some insight as to why the employees were quitting, calling in sick, and not working as hard during work hours. The second survey was given to outgoing employees that would provide insight on why they were leaving and hopefully receive a higher number of participants. The survey was analyzed and interpreted to predict and prevent future employees from leaving the company.

10 Response Questions: Survey Part 2

The first ten questions on the survey, the participants could rate the question on a scale from one to five. Seventy eight people participated in the survey; we put together a chart to show the percent of people that ranked each question from one to five. Out of the 10 questions, the range varied but the majority of the participants either rated the questions at a two or a three. The main areas that scored the lowest were the amount of people unhappy with the location that they worked at, the lack of training received, and the participants expressed how the wages were not high enough. The main areas that scored the highest were the employees felt their supervisor treated them fairly, and their manager treated them fairly, and they felt as though their job was secure. Please refer to the chart below, where the survey was organized.

BIMS, Inc. Survey

Questions #1 - 10 | Do Not Agree (very negative)

[Response = 1] | Partially Does Not Agree (negative)

[Response = 2] | Neutral (undecided)

[Response = 3] | Agrees (positive)

[Response = 4] | Strongly Agrees (very positive)

[Response = 5] |

1. Do you feel...