Bribery and Lobbying

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June 13, 2010



What is lobbying? What is bribery? What is my defense against bribery allegations? For individuals charged with violating legal and ethical principles should they be fined, jailed or forced out of their current role.

Lobbying the deliberate attempt to influence political decisions through various forms of advocacy directed at policymakers on behalf of another person organization or group. Lobbyists are usually representatives for specific city, county government or representatives of an organization; there role is represent their specific interests. Lobbing has governing rules and if not followed can be mistaken for bribery. Lobbyist represents organizations goals of winning a political leader over to support their idea or interest.

Bribery is when and agreed exchange of gifts or money is made between for the sole purpose of altering the other parties’ behavior; which is an illegal practice.

The SLOC members in the article The Big Business of the Olympics and Bribery could argue the gifts presented never influenced IOC member’s decisions. They could also argue that they had no knowledge of the IOC members 150 dollar limit on contributions. They could also argue that they were performing a contractual obligation and challenge the accusation. According to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act payments that assist the payer to obtain ministerial action are not prohibited.

Punishment for those violating legal and ethical principles should be accessed individually. Those found guilty of unethical practices should be heavily fined, lose their current position and serve community service. For blatant illegal activity I believe that those fines should be imposed and the guilty party is ordered to work in the community without pay (community service). Reason being those that are convicted of bribery are non-violent offenders. In my research laws varied by state most laws stated the maximum penalty; could be...