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Words: 2569

Pages: 11

Category: People

Date Submitted: 07/29/2011 09:04 PM

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Daniel Tammel is a prodigtous I talent. The 25-year-old savant I fromKenl, UK, has becn I dublKd a real-Ufe human I computei with an amazing

mental abllity. The speed and accuracy oí his mathematical calculatlons are niind-hoggling: Iw adds fasler than a calculo tor and can recall pito 22,,SI4 decimal places. Nmlless lo say he doesn't bother using the addrcss book contained on his inobile phone - he knows every single ñame and tclcphone number and ihousands more besides!

But he is, of course, the exceplion. Fewer than 50 people in thc world have a gift of this kind. For the rest uf us, just remembering our PIN or car rcgistration ptesents enough of a challenge. So given our sievc-llke memories, it is something ot ;t mystery why so nittch of our I Ivés seem lo depend on a contusión of urbitrary numbers, ali uf which have to be recognised, reterred to, storcd and tised iitany times daily.

Thls is pflrtioilariy true of almost any assembly fáciltty, vvbtre j'ou will fiml the producllon Une completely dependent on tactory floor workers .ittemptíng to lecognise and match up ioiir parí and drawlng numbers - and do so llan'lessty. üur brains simply ari'n't wlrt'd to uvall s(rings ofcligíts-in fací, our shorl-k-im mcmorj' is far hc'ttcr ¡it u'inrmlK'ríng sh;i|ies and coloms lh.ui aiiythingelse.;^

Onr IIK fompany- Midlaiuls-based NnMuda - bel leves this may be the kcy to tidpinx intlustr>' deal with all of those numbers, as l'hlllp Horknid, ero, NoMuda, explalm: "VVhat we have cieated with the VisualKictory.Nct application is a solution that tundamentailyalters our approach because it provkles graphlcs-basetl rather than text-based assistance."

Visual clues

Visua!Factory.Net combines the 'left-brain' engineering part, option and drawing data with 'riglit-hrain' visual clues to link the logic from order to product. Using the technology of the web, it créales consistent Instructions that can be readiiy understood and assimilated. Using visual shorthand, tlie...