Effort to Nurture the Unite

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Date Submitted: 12/23/2011 11:20 PM

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In the current tide of globalization and led the third world, kitasayugia strengthen closeness and unity in Malaysia bagimengelakkan race riots. Hence, racial variations like aur haruslahbergerak concrete compound with the banks as a synergy leading kewawasan 2020. According to the sixth Prime Minister, keakrabanrencaman race is the most potent antidote bagimenyemarakkan racial solidarity like the saying goes 'round people for round keranapembetung water consensus'. In addition, synergies daripadasemua do the work together pro-active efforts in realizing the aspirations of the people danefektif entire Malaysia.Persoalannya, what efforts can be implemented bagimemperkasakan racial unity in Malaysia? In the face modernization, efficient efforts to establish unity harusditangani in our country. The keraajaanmempunyai role in the realization of national unity. Description kerajaanmengadakan Open House at the national level for Malaysia's main races menyambutperayaan most welcome. According to the Prime Menterikita, the concept of One Malaysia could be effected by this event. Semasakerajaan hold open house, universal country of all races yangtediri high commitment. Merekamenghadirkan themselves and their relationship with society that mengitimkan has various races and backgrounds. The interaction between these councils kaumdalam bolster race relations in Malaysia. Tuntasnya, the progress of our country depends on perpaduankaum as the saying goes, "united we stand, divided we fall '. Unity communities can also be achieved through activities kemasyarakatanyang requires every community to take part in each aktivitiyang conducted. This method enhances the spirit of cooperation and salingmembantu each other by removing the self sikapmementingkan embedded in the soul of society. However, the negative attitude of society, particularly urban societies where only work irregular hours and sendirimenyebabkan work hard to foster a spirit of unity...