Unilever Business Game Foreword

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Date Submitted: 01/12/2012 03:51 AM

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UNILEVER BUSINESS GAME FOREWORD Unilever's Business Game UNISIM has been especially written for use by schools, polytechnics, colleges and universities. It is available for the BBC-B, RM480Z and Nimbus, and IBM PC and MS-DOS microcomputers.



联合利华的商业游戏 UNISIM 是专为中小学、 职业学校和大中专院校特别撰写使用的。它可 在以下的电脑系统使用: BBC-B, RM480Z and Nimbus, and IBM PC and MS-DOS.

Unilever Educational Liaison would like to thank CRAC and the Industry /Education Unit of the Department of Trade and Industry for their help in the development of the game and the teachers who have tested the game.

联合利华教育同盟真诚感谢英国职业发展组织 (CRAC)以及贸易与工业部的工业/教育组在游戏 开发中所提供的帮助,并对参与游戏测试的老 师们在此表示感谢。



INTRODUCTION 引言…………………………………………………………………………………………..5 SECTION I A B C D SECTION II A B C THE GAME EXPLAINED 第一部分:游戏解释…………………………………..…………....7 INTRODUCTION 介绍…………………………………..…………………………………….....7 OBJECTIVE 目标………………………………..…………...................................................7 THE PRODUCTS, THE COMPANIES, THE MARKETS 产品、公司、市场…..………...7 ORDER OF PLAY 游戏顺序………………………………..…………...................................8 PLAYING THE GAME 第二部分:游戏的进行…………………………………..…………....9 INITIAL POSITION 初始位置………………………..……………………………………..…....9 DECISIONS REQUIRED 必要决策………………………..……………………………….......9 RULES OF THE GAME 游戏规则………………………..……………………………….…....9 1.0 Finance 财经………………………..…………………………………………………....9 1.1 Loans 贷款 1.2 Dividends 股息 2.0 Production 生产………………………..…………………………………………...…..10 2.1 Factory 工厂 2.2 Production Lines 生产线 2.3 Production Scheduling 生产调度 2.4 Raw Materials and Packaging Costs 原材料与包装成本 2.5 Production Crews 生产人员 2.6 Overheads 管理费 2.7 Maintenance and Depreciation 维修及折旧 3.0 Marketing 营销………………………..…………………………………………...…....11 3.1 Marketing Decisions 营销决策 3.2 Selling Prices 销售价格 3.3 Sales Staff 销售人员 3.4 Advertising 广告 3.5 Allocation of Stock for Sale 待以销售的库存分配 3.6 Warehousing 仓储 4.0 Market Research 市场调研………………………..………………………………..…13 DECISIONS REOUIRED FOR PERIOD 3 第三季度的必要决策………………………..…13 COMPANY RECORDS...