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Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 05/23/2012 09:35 AM

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This e-book touches upon the fundamentals of the “Law of Attraction”. As you read this e-book you will see many references to the Bible that support the principals that support that law. All references were taken from the “New International” or the “New American Standard” versions of the Bible. In order to get the most from this writing, it is recommended that the reader spend a little time thinking about how each of the biblical quotes applies to the topic for which they are a reference. The “Law of Attraction” is all about bringing abundance in all things into your life. Applying this law to your daily life is a wonderful, joyful experience. Enjoy your journey.


Table of Contents

Introduction Myths Paradigms Putting the law to work What to expect What keeps us from Gods abundance What brings Gods abundance to us

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What is the “The Law of Attraction”? Simply put, the law of attraction states that whatever we think, do or say will result in a change in our universe, a change in our personal world, a change in our circumstance. How old is the law of attraction? In recent years there have been many books authored and CD’s produced about “The Law of Attraction”. Many of these writings and productions make “The Law of Attraction” sound like it’s something new, perhaps even new age. This is simply NOT TRUE! Over the centuries individuals have studied the bible and had part of the law of attraction revealed to them. Their “new” revelation inspired them to write a book about the law of attraction or the power of our thoughts. The “Law of Attraction” is not something new it has been around since the beginning of time. Read the story of creation: Genesis 1:3 Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Night and day didn’t just happen. God thought about it, stated what he wanted, and made it happen. That is the law of attraction in action, thoughts and actions become physical things. Read the story...