Eth/125 Week 6 Assignment

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Category: Other Topics

Date Submitted: 08/26/2012 01:48 PM

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• How do racial groups interact in contemporary America? Are interactions positive, negative, or neutral?

In contemporary America interactions between racial groups vary between individuals. You have those who interact in a positive manner with other groups, some who interact in a negative manner and you have those who interact in a neutral manner; there is no hate for other racial groups, however they don’t prefer to have too much to do with those of other racial groups. Primarily, in my community, I see neutral interacts between different racial groups. Different races are able to be good neighbors, say hello, and even communicate from time to time. However, I do not see different races making relationships as they would with people of their same race. There are many different interactions between different racial groups in different parts of the world. Rather those interactions are positive, negative, or neutral depends on the person. I would say that interactions have improved a great deal since our ancestor’s time, however, there is still indeed some work that could be done.

• Are there existing social inequities based on race? Why or why not?

Social inequities still exist in the world today. It was mentioned in this week’s discussion that companies have a minimum on the number of minorities should be working for their company. That alone is proof that inequities exist based on race because why would companies need this type of standard set if there was equal hiring anyway. There has even been argument that prisons are over-filled with minorities because whites are put in a better situation to be able to financially afford good attorneys, court cost, etc. There are very little minority that represent the corporate world and can afford the big houses on the water, the good attorney, or even to feed their families for that matter. Schools in the inner city do not offer the education that is offered in suburb schools, activities for children are not offered...