Forrest Gump and the American Dream

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Forrest Gump and the American Dream


‘American Dream’ is the famous word every American hears throughout their life. American Dream drives everyone in USA and even many non-American people who came to America for their dreams to achieve themselves. However, what is the American Dream? We can learn the true meaning of the ‘American Dream’ and American sense of worth from the legend of Forrest Gump in famous American movie ‘Forrest Gump’. In this paper, it will be discussed with analyzing ‘Forrest Gump’ from following several points: (1) The definition of the American Dream; (2) The evolution of the American Dream; (3) The reflections of the American Dream in the movie ‘Forrest Gump’.

Key words: American Dream; ‘Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump and the American Dream


I. Introduction: American Dream, which is deeply rooted in each American generation, and inspires them to realize themselves.

II. The definition of the American Dream

A. What is the American Dream?

B. The American Dream in general

III. The Evolving Process of American Dream

A. The origin of the American Dream

B. The development of the American Dream

IV. The Reflection of the American Dream in ‘Forrest Gump’

A. Introduction of the movie ‘Forrest Gump’

B. Aspects of the American Dream

1. Forrest’s physiological development / life of a celebrity

2. Forrest becomes a successful businessman

3. The great run

4. Aspects of the American Nightmare in ‘Forrest Gump’——Jenny’ s situation

5. Forrest’s time in the army / Vietnam War

V. Conclusion

Forrest Gump and the American Dream

I. Introduction

  ’The United States, one of the frequently- mentioned countries in the world, has established a highly developed national economy within a matter of about two hundred years, counting from the time of its independence. ‘Why Americans can achieve such great success? Why American can expand their land from a small country with only 225 square kilometers (The area is...