Assess the Extent to Which Theories of Modernity Are Relevant to Understanding Contemporary Society

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Assess the extent to which theories of modernity are relevant to understanding contemporary society. (33 marks)

Sociological theories have been used for many years to help us understand contemporary society. Structural consensus theories such as Functionalism, Marxism and Feminism all explain how individuals act as the ‘puppets’ of society due to a range of different causes. However, some would argue that these theories are no longer relevant due to us moving into a post-modern era, creating their own theories that give us a better understanding of today’s society.

Functionalism is a structural consensus theory that dates back to the twentieth century, and explains social order and why people generally conform to the rules of social life as it recognises how the major social institutions such as the family, religion and the education system link together, providing positive functions for society and maintaining order. Durkheim believes that these structures are an essential for the existence of society, allowing us all to subconsciously become integrated and gain a collective conscience. In order to help us understand a modern society, Durkheim came up with his Organic Analogy, comparing society’s functions to the human body. Examples of this include society being interdependent; each part of society depends on other parts, e.g. the economy depends on the education system to create a hard-working, literate workforce, just like the body depends on other organs in order to function. Also, all parts of society are essential in order to function, just like each part of the body is essential to live. Robert Merton elaborated on Durkheim’s theory, saying that the manifest and latent functions of society allow security and stability. These two sociologists have played an important part in understanding contemporary society.

Although functionalism is a relevant theory of modernity, some would say that it is no longer relevant in a post-modern society due to the high...