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Words: 1445

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Category: Spirituality

Date Submitted: 08/19/2010 01:34 PM

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Abortion is one of the most controversial issues that affect our society today. Many citizens sense that abortion is morally wrong because it is murder an unborn baby. On the other hand, many others think that it is a woman’s legitimate right to choose mainly in certain situations such as incest, rape, or health issues that puts the mother’s life in danger. To kill a blameless infant is wrong particularly how the procedure is carried out.

Abortion is termination of pregnancy by removing the seed or fetus before delivery. For this reason, it is a very controversial subject in American government these days. Followers of abortion rights disagree that the seed or is not a person, or at least that the administration doesn’t have a right to outlaw abortion except if it can give proof that the fetus is a human being. (About.com Tom Head).

One of the most common surgical procedures done is the world every year is abortion.

Believe it or not, about 40% of all women at one point in their life decide to terminate their pregnancy. Although women of each group seek to put an end to termination, usual women who terminate her pregnancy are youthful, white, single, unfortunate, or over 40 years of age.

Wide reached each year, there are about 20-30 million legitimate abortions performed. While there are 10-20 million illegitimate abortions perform every year. Illegal abortions are risky and make up for 13% of all deaths of women because of severe problems.


Some women have abortions for essential reasons. One reason is some mothers have health problems and can’t carry the baby full-term and is forced to have an abortion. Another reason is to avoid the birth of a child who will have birth effects or harsh medical troubles. Some women have abortions for unnecessary reasons. Some women birth control fails. Over half of all women who have an abortion used a contraceptive method during the month they became...