A Bit of Singing and Dancing Test

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A Bit of Singing and dancing (Susan Hill)

1. Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations.

1. To give smb a new lease of life (открывать новые горизонты)

2. To indulge ourselves (доставлять удовольствие)

3. To be bedridden (быть прикованной к постели)

4. To settle in smb`s advantage (решаться в чью либо пользу)

5. A boundless energy (безграничная энергия)

6. A pedlar (разносчик)

7. Bring-and-buy sales

2. Match the word with its definition

1) From cover to cover

2) Cunning

3) To oppress

4) To rebel

5) To deceive

6) A loft

7) Fortuitous

a) someone who is clever and good at deceiving people in order to get what they want

b) from the beginning to the end

c) to make someone believe something that is not true 

d) happening by chance, especially in a way that has a good result

e) a room or space under the roof of a building, usually used for storing things in

f) to make someone feel unhappy, worried, or uncomfortable

g) to oppose or fight against someone in authority or against an idea or situation which you do not agree with

3. Translate the given words and word combinations into Russian

1. Presumptuous (самонадеянный)

2. The Impeccable manners (безупречные манеры)

3. A dearth (нехватка,недостаток)

4. An avid reader (жадный читатель)

5. The shingle (галька)

6. A casserole (запеканка)

4. Give a page-long summary of the story, using active vocabulary

5. Translate into Russian (in written form) the passage «All at once, then, she felt sorry for him…» (p.214)

И ей даже стало его жалко, и в общем-то все выглядело даже романтично, танцует он хорошо и поет не без вкуса, наверное, когда-то блистал на эстраде, да и кто она такая, чтоб его презирать, у нее-то какие таланты? Она-то разве может заработать на жизнь, услаждая других?

A Bit of Singing and...