Case Study Analysis

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Case Study Analysis

By Quynnetta Sanders

Comm/215 Essentials of College Writing


Instructor Beverly Ranzoff


In this case study Carl Robbins who is a new recruiter to ABC, had set himself to be an overachiever but was not successful. He was faced with some challenges that could cost him his job. In this paper I will discuss the problem and give suggestions as a solution to the matter that needs to be made secure.

The problem

Carl Robbins became unprepared while making preparations for the orientation. In early April, he recruited 15 new trainees. Many of the 15 are missing important documents such as; drug screening records and depending who the company is contracted with, this may take up to a couple of weeks to get that done. Other documents included incomplete applications and the need of transcripts. On May 15, Monica Carrolls contacted Carl to see how the scheduling process is going and if all components for the orientation are accounted for. He wanted to impress Monica with an unrealistic time frame that he should not have made. All this to happen by June 15, was not going to happen. He didn’t plan accordingly he just set a date. Another co-worker was assigned the room Carl assumed would be available. Joe has that entire month booked for the room. After realizing the missing documents after the holiday weekend, it’s now crunch time. All he was left doing was asking himself, “What am I to do.”

Proposed Solution

Time is definitely not on Carl side. He can, if he’s not prideful, notify Monica of a pushback date to properly get things in order so that the orientation can run smoothly.

* This will allow all follow-ups with the trainees to have all of their documentations and drug test completed.

* He will be able to properly schedule a room for the orientation.

This will show that he can take a problem that became an oversight and communicate every step to ensure good quality for the company.


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