Submitted by: Submitted by britney0606
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Words: 1912
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Category: Business and Industry
Date Submitted: 09/20/2010 11:31 AM
Biology 102
General Biology
rev. 8/1/10
O. About the Course
A. Office hours
B. Labs are a separate course: 04-103
1. Monday labs meet today
2. Other labs begin next week
3. buy the lab manual in the bookstore in the Union
4. read Lab 1 before lab (Cells)
5. visit the lab (04-103) website on eCompanion:
a. “Safety Quiz”
b. “Contract”
c. this week
C. Course Syllabus
D. Textbook
1. not needed in lecture
2. chapters listed on syllabus
3. read, lecture, reread
4. especially illustrations
E. Exams & grades
1. all multiple choice
2. NOT all regurgitation, some from text
3. four exams over recent material, 50 questions for 100 points
4. will not curve more than 10 points
5. final exam week: both exams at our scheduled time
a. Exam 4 (not cumulative)
b. Exam 5 (tests student ability to apply knowledge)
6. grades will be posted on our eCompanion web site:
see the drop-down menu at the top right of the NW home page
F. Course points
1. course total is 440 points
2. each of first 4 exams is 100 points (50 questions)
3. fifth exam is 40 points
4. extra credit
a. one 2-page ‘reaction paper’ on a current topic in biology
(see web site)
b. several opinion-type surveys, online and anonymous
c. sometimes, attendance ?
5. course grade: 396 points for an A (90%), 352 for a B (80%), etc.
G. Lecture
1. questions welcome
2. listen and write: can tape
3. outline format
4. I do NOT provide copies of the projected notes
H. Study help
1. eCompanion
a. lecture notes: stripped down
b. illustrations
c. study hints
2. Talent Development Center
a. third floor of Admin Bldg
b. free
c. by appointment
3. study groups: compare notes, quiz each other, etc.
4. sample exams
a. posted online
b. answers will be...