Submitted by: Submitted by Vbart731
Views: 154
Words: 1440
Pages: 6
Category: English Composition
Date Submitted: 03/06/2014 02:00 PM
The religion that I chose would be the Latter Day Saints, or commonly known as Mormons. This religious group beliefs are many, but a lot them are the same in what other religious groups believe. The Mormons have four primary principles of which are Faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism by immersion for the remission of sin and the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Mormons believe that God called on a prophet and 12 apostles to minister to the people of the earth for our time here. Mormons also believe that families will always be together in life and death because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. They believe that Jesus Christ is the savior of the world and the Redeemer of all people. The church’s beliefs originated around 1842 and are summarized in the Articles of Faith.
The Mormons experience towards other religious group is faithful. They believe that the greatest commandment is to love god with all their heart and to love others as they love themselves. All people, regardless of their beliefs, are invited to attend normal church services and conferences. The church of the Latter-Day Saints has one of the best welfare programs in the world. This program is not only available to members of the church, but to any community member that is in need. They offer the church’s help to a number of the humanitarian missions, along with natural disasters as well.
The Church of the Latter Day Saints has had as much effect as any young religion has on the American Culture. With any religion, they have gone through the controversial thoughts from others. One example of this is when they introduce their new doctrine; The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine & Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price. There are a lot of different ways that the Mormons have influenced the American culture and here are some examples: The Book of Mormon added twenty six words to the English language, they are the fastest growing religion and the second richest behind Catholicism. The Mormons...