What Cultural Factors Must U.S. Sport Franchises

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Date Submitted: 03/13/2014 12:34 PM

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Culttural Factors & Franchises

Pamela Falconer

DeVry University

Amber Moore


Cultural Factors & Franchises 2

In the U.S. Sports Franchise there are so many people that is unfamiler with the

different sports in the world, we need to increase popularity to see the different sports and participate in the sports, they are scouting and recruiting other teams from all foreign athletes which is not only the teams that are more popular than what the other countries expected.

Sports is a very important part of all different cultures of the United States, by handling excellent services that is able to understand the cultural difference of all countries. The different cultures will include values such as Religion, Manners, Language and all the different attitudes. {Nickels, McHugh McHugh 2013}

U.S. Sports Franchise is wanting and willing to go global but they will have to be willing to get adjusted to the other countries rules such as the way of specking, playing all the different sport’s and having the same sportsmanship when getting involved in other contries they will have to research what the risk will be when marketing the strategies for ensuring the communication of its products within it values from the sport companies that will be more profitable....