Accounts Receivable Analysis of Consumer Financing Company

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Accounts Receivable Analysis of Consumer Financing Company

(a case study in PT PERMATA FINANCE)

Angga Arifiawan Sudibyo


English Class

Accounting Department

Faculty of Economic and Business

Airlangga University




Name : Angga Arifiawan Sudibyo

Student ID : 041211332113

Address : Jl.Gunung Anyar Tambak Utara I/1, Surabaya

E-mail :


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful .All thanks and praise is due to Allah the Almighty. We ask Him to send His peace, blessings and mercy upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, his family, companions, and all those who follow. Big thanks for those who gave me supports to finish my paper with the title, “ BLABLABLA” in order to comply the assignment of Accounting Information Systems.

I do will say big thanks to these people that help me a lot, such as :

1. My lovely and beautiful Mom, Dr. Ir. Pangesti Nugrahani, M.Si for your infinite loves that already gave to me since I was in your womb

2. My Father, love you too Dad

3. My lecture for this subject, Mrs. Debby who has give me chance to do this big assignment. Thanks for your motivations you’ve gave to us during the class

4. To Inten Permata Sumolang, Thank you for being my best friend, for all your supports for me. I don’t think I could finish this assignment without you

5. EC-AK friends, surely we’ll reach our big dream together

6. To Artantya, Dimas and Tia, thank you for the laughter, for the good times that we share.

I realize that this paper is still far from excellent, still lots of mistakes. But I have tried to do my best.


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