Submitted by: Submitted by abozorgi
Views: 516
Words: 325
Pages: 2
Category: Other Topics
Date Submitted: 10/08/2010 09:43 AM
A Framework for Estimating and Communicating the Financial
Performance of Energy Efficiency Improvements in Existing
Commercial Buildings While Considering Risk and Uncertainty
Alireza Bozorgi, MArch, MSc
Ph.D. Candidate in Design Research | MBA
College of Architecture and Urban Studies | Pamplin College of Business
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
James R. Jones, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Architecture
College of Architecture and Urban Studies
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
There is substantial evidence suggesting that property professionals, such as owners, investors and
lenders who are involved in the investment decision-making process are increasingly interested in
energy efficiency improvements (EEIs). One of the primary barriers to EEI is a lack of clear
information regarding the true value, both revenue and risk, of EEI investments. EEI investments
often include many non-quantifiable benefits as well as risks that current energy performance
assessment tools and methods do not simultaneously incorporate. Nor are the outcomes typically
presented in appropriate terms to be understood and utilized in the investment decision-making
In this paper, an analytical method and systematic framework is proposed to evaluate the financial
performance of EEI alternatives in existing commercial buildings, while simultaneously addressing the
risks and uncertainties associated with the process. The framework is a robust valuation process that
takes EEI alternatives, uses current energy simulation programs to forecast estimates of the energy
efficiency outcomes, links the predicted building performance to financial model inputs, and derives
ranges/distributions of their bottom line financial performances. A Monte Carlo simulation model,
based on the Discounted Cash Flow approach, is suggested for modeling the uncertainties of
valuation process and estimating the...