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Financial Strategies & Management


Linking Strategy and Innovation: Materials Technology Corporation


1 2 3 4 5 Linking Strategy and Innovation Company and Technology Background MTC's Technology Development Program MTC’s Development Process The Path to Volume Production

Linking Strategy and Innovation

l Materials Technology Corporation (MTC) l Industry Overview l Challenges

Materials Technology Corporation (MTC)

l Founded in 1984 by a venture capital -backed group of MIT scientists l Purpose: making advancements in ceramics processing technology l A research-heavy industry l Have to create most of the markets for its products

Industry Overview

l  陶瓷:泛指需高溫處理或緻密化的非金屬無機材料。 l  精密陶瓷:有別於傳統陶瓷,是採用精製高純度無機材 料做為原料,用化學及物理方式控制組成及均勻度,再 用乾壓、鑄漿或射出等成型方法,再經由反應或燒結使 其顯微結構、化性及物性達到另一個水準,最後經過加 工形成具有卓越性能的產品。 l  具有堅硬、耐磨、耐壓、耐高熱、耐酸、耐鹼等持久的 特性,並具有優異的光、電磁、熱功能以及生物相容性。 l  依據運用的範圍又可分成三大類:(1) 電子陶瓷,(2) 結 構陶瓷,(3) 生醫陶瓷。

Industry Overview

l Ceramic engineering 陶瓷工程 l 可廣泛應用於太空、生醫、汽車、電子等產業 l 進入障礙 l 產業變化

Industry Context

high demand and low supply

emerging market

a more mature market

1.low cost and high quality 2.An infinite number of potential materials combinations 3.Applicability of a specific unique ceramic to each use

1.the relative newness of the industry; 2.the need for MTC and other such companies to create the market for their products; 3.the unlimited number of potential applications indicate the ceramics industry

1. increased pricing pressures on ceramics manufacturers; 2. improvements in process engineering; 3.increasing focus on customers in core businesses; 4.a number of mergers and acquisitions; 5.increasing environmental pressures; and 6.a trend toward the purchase of more complex blends of processed materials.

Challenges Faced by MTC

l  3 new...