An Evaluation of Lean Manufacturing as an Essential Tool in Supply Chain Management

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School of Supply Chain Management An Evaluation of Lean Manufacturing as an essential tool in Supply Chain Management

Siyabonga Lungelo Mncube Student Number: 210513547

Research Proposal in Partial Fulfilment of the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) In Supply Chain Management

Supervisor: Ms Khadija Kharsany

Supervisor’s Declaration I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge:   the research was carried out and the dissertation was prepared under my direct supervision; except where otherwise approved by the Academic Administration Committee of the University, the research was conducted in accordance with the degree regulations the dissertation/thesis (please circle one)represents the original research work of the candidate; the contribution made to the research by me, by other members of the supervisory team, by other members of staff of the University and by others was consistent with normal supervisory practice. Date

Supervisor Candidate’s Declaration I confirm that:   

this dissertation represents my own work; the contribution of any supervisors and others to the research and to the dissertation was consistent with normal supervisory practice. external contributions to the research are acknowledged. Date

Candidate Pre-Publication of Parts of this dissertation Either:

We confirm that no part of this dissertation has been submitted for publication in advance of submission of the dissertation for examination.





ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Nothing came easy when it came to doing this research as I needed a lot of help from different people throughout. In this case I would like to first and foremost give praise to the almighty God for giving me the strength and showing me the path towards completing this research paper. My supervisor Khadija Kharsany, you have been of great help to me as of today I write this acknowledgement thanking you for the time you dedicated in helping me complete this...