Submitted by: Submitted by Jaketazz
Views: 122
Words: 1401
Pages: 6
Category: English Composition
Date Submitted: 08/25/2014 07:46 AM
Case Study Analysis
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Case Study Analysis
Carl Robins, the new campus recruiter for ABC, Inc. with only six months of experience on the job, was not provided with the guidance and supervision to succeed in his position.
The new campus recruiter, Carl Robins, was responsible for hiring 15 new trainees. At the end of May, he was preparing the paperwork for the June 15th new hire orientation and identified several things were not completed. With Carl being a new employee himself, many of the issues were caused by his lack of experience. Without resolving the issues, the new hires will not be prepared for the orientation or for their start date with the company. Each of the issues and alternative solutions are outlined below.
Key Problems
A number of issues arose when Carl Robins was given his assignment. There was not an assistant to help Carl with his first assignment to make sure all issues were completed. An experienced employee that has completed new hire training would have been helpful to Carl. There was a lack of communication between Carl and the new trainees, so some of the new hires either did not follow the training schedule or complete all necessary documents. It appears the trainees were never brought together to discuss the issues of paper work not being completed properly, get the necessary documents completed, and get the trainees to the clinic for the drug screening process. Carl did not follow the training schedule and keep the new trainees on track. He also did not continue to follow up every day to verify what has been completed by the trainees and what was left to be completed. Carl also didn’t follow up with the various departments once he had his time line for hiring the new employees. The department that kept the log for the training schedule double booked the room. He could have eliminated that issue of multiple departments having the same...