Submitted by: Submitted by Darionis
Views: 417
Words: 1146
Pages: 5
Category: Business and Industry
Date Submitted: 11/05/2010 12:49 AM
The main goal of this report is to define and show the interdependence between the image of Caterpillar, Inc reflected in its annual report and advertisements and the image as it is seen by independent objective writers.
In order to make reasonable conclusions about these two images, much data on Caterpillar’s financial firmness, production, marketing and subsidiaries was gathered and examined. Furthermore, information about management, financial condition and image was collected from independent objective sources outside the company.
Annual Report
As Caterpillar states in the beginning of its anual report “Good companies become great companies when they face and conquer adversity”, it is clear that the company suffers serious financial and managerial difficulties entailed by the world economic crisis. Caterpillar’s products and services are essential for restoring economic growth globally; and when recovery comes, the company will make all possible efforts to conquer and stabilize its leading position in the industry.
Caterpillar produces heavy equipment mainly for exploration, excavation and transportation of huge amounts of freight. Caterpillar machines and services—in gas compression, well servicing, oil and gas production and drilling support exploration and production, pipeline construction and other oil-and-gas-related infrastructure projects in virtually every region in the world. In Russia, Cat machines, engines, generator sets, Solar gas turbines and gas compressors are integral to the long-term development of the country’s oil and gas resources. The Yamal Peninsula region in northern Russia is a major gas production area currently being developed, including construction of the 1,100-kilometer Yamal-Ukhta pipeline1.
During 2004-2008 period, Caterpillar was an absolute leader on the market. This fact is clearly shown in the “Five-year Financial Summary” and approved by side-experts and...