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Nicole Black

ENG 211

Summer Online

Assignment #6

Chorus: Men that are a part of the play that chant lines and dance.

Example: In "Oedipus the King" at line 168 the chorus is first presented. (Meyer, P.1447)

Exposition: A way to give the audience background information about characters and their circumstances.

Example: In "Trifles" you discover that the story is focused around the murder of John Wright, and that his wife is the primary suspect. (Meyer, P.1401)

Foil: A character whose behavior and values contrast with the protagonist's (Meyer, P.1403).

Example: Mrs. Peters character in "Trifles" is a foil because in the beginning she sides with the men and defends them, however as the play progresses she suddenly understands the motive that his wife had for killing him. (Meyer, P.1403)

One-Act Play: A play in which the entire story is played out in one location over one event.

Example: "Trifles" occurs the entire time in the home of John Wright, and is focused around who may have murdered him.

Reversal: The point when the heroes fortune turns in an unexpected direction. (Meyer. P.1441)

Example: In "Oedipus the King" the messenger informs Oedipus that he has actually killed his father and married his mother (Meyer, P.1441).

Satire: The use of a critical eye on a characters vices by holding them up to ridicule (Meyer. P.1543).

Example: The character of Polonius in "Hamlet".

Soliloquy: A speech that a character performs when no one else is present, it gives the audience a glimpse into their state of mind.

Example: Hamlet's speech "To be of not to be" is known as the most famous soliloquy (Meyer. P.1539).

Tragedy: A tragedy recounts a person's downfall, they typically start high and end low. (Meyer, P.2130)

Example: "Hamlet" Is considered a tragedy because it focuses on the downfall of one man over the death of his father.

Tragic Irony: In tragic irony the audience seems to know what will happen to the characters before the...