Submitted by: Submitted by Patrick1Gall
Views: 43
Words: 4777
Pages: 20
Category: World History
Date Submitted: 02/23/2015 11:42 PM
Culture And Development In Africa By Dr. Mehenou Amouzou
1888 Press Release Culture is one of the most significant factors of development. The role of culture in development should not be understated, but treated as a complex multilayered factor for longterm growth and success. First, as an intrinsic value, secondly as a key factor of regional development leading to increased attractiveness of regions for tourists, residents and investors, and thirdly, as an active factor of social development based on knowledge, tolerance, and creativity. Culture provides the framework in which a nation sees, approaches, and ultimately resolves key complex internal and global issues that will impact long term development and economic growth. Some may attempt to reduce the understanding of culture to fetishism and other archaic and anachronistic acts relevant perhaps only for the museum. Others may consider culture to be just the meaningless drumming and dancing. Some more enlightened Anthropologists or Scholars have however given a deeper explanation of culture as those forms of behavior, practices, and thoughts that are nurtured, held, cherished and maintained as desirable and having importance and relevance for our lives. Culture is the light of an entire society. People without culture are like a tree without roots or an unmanned aircraft. Culture is said to be the oil that keeps society running. Tradition and knowledge have also been described in certain quarters as the main pillars of development and sustenance of communities and that no society can progress in the absence of these two factors The purpose of this article is an attempt to present culture as a key factor of social and economic growth that some of the leaders in Africa have misunderstood or misguided for their own selfish interests which have contributed to the bankruptcy of their own countries. CULTURE AS A KEY FACTOR OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ...