Psychological Assessment

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Category: Philosophy and Psychology

Date Submitted: 10/06/2015 01:48 PM

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Question 18

Which theoretical approach to career counseling assumes that "career development follows a

predictable path With dearly defined stages"?





systems approach

dynamiC approach

person-enVIronment-fit approach

developmental approach

Question 19

Trait psychologists are Interested In





conSistenCIes In people's behaViour

stable differences between people

real-life Implications of personality traits

all of the above

Question 20

Which of the follOWing IS NOT one of the big five model of personality traits?





Openness to expenence






Answer only 3 of the follOWing 5 questions

Question 1

The planning phase of the development of a psychological measure Involves three steps



DISCUSS the first two steps, namely speCIfying the aim and defining the content of the



How would you apply these two steps In the case of a tests measunng depreSSion? (8)


Question 2



Give a brief histOrical background of the development of Psychological assessment by

refernng to the early and democratic South Afncan contexts


Bnefly diSCUSS the different categories of bias that need to be evaluated In order to

ensure that bias against any cultural group IS minimized






OCT/NOV 2010

Question 3



List the functions that are typically assessed In childhood assessment and cntlcally

discuss the two categones of developmental measures that are used In assessment


DIscuss a developmental measure that IS sUitable for the South Afncan context Justify

your answer With reference to the required charactenstlcs of such a measure



Question 4

Cntlcally discuss Sternberg's theory of Intelligence and dynamic assessment based on

Vygotsky's theory With reference to the South African context Your diSCUSSion shOUld Include

a theoretical overview of each of these approaches
