Killer Whale in Captivity

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Category: English Composition

Date Submitted: 10/26/2015 09:56 AM

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Should We Free Willy?

Ripping an Orca from its family and stripping it of its freedom doesn’t seem to be beneficial to the whale, but Sea World claims to give the whales a better life in captivity. The award winning documentary, Blackfish, has stirred a major controversy over whether Orcas are better off living in the wild or in captivity. The people behind Blackfish and the advocates for Sea World have been in a head-to-head battle over what is best for these gentle giants. Objectively looking at both sides of the claim, it is clear that killer whales belong in the wild.

Killer whales are the largest members of the dolphin family which are known for being highly intelligent creatures. These large whales possess tremendous strength and speed, both of which make them dangerous to the prey that they set their sights on, as well as help them thrive in the sea. Studies have shown that Orcas have an extra part of their brain which contributes to their emotional and social nature. Additionally, killer whales are versatile and creative hunters who have strong family bonds. This strong family bond is why they travel together in a pod, with each group speaking a slightly different language. Removing a killer whale from the sea causes distress for every member of that pod, because they are not meant to be separated. Therefore, whales do not belong in isolation—it’s not in their nature.

According to the documentary Blackfish, there is no record of an Orca doing any harm to a human while residing in the wild. Since killer whales were put in captivity, there have been more than seventy incidents of whale-on-trainer attacks in the past thirty years. Capturing Orcas and forcing them into a life in captivity is detrimental to both whales and humans. “Many trainers who have worked with captive whales have been injured, some fatally, by killer whale attacks” ( Despite Sea World’s claims that Orcas will have a better quality of life in captivity, these...