Vocabulary Learning

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Date Submitted: 12/06/2015 10:13 AM

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63. ARREST -to stop; to seize | 93. BIFURCATE - to divide into two parts |

64. ARTIFACT item made by human craft | 94. BIONICS- the application of biological principles |

65. ARTLESS guileless; natural | 95. BLANDISHMENT n. flattery, v. to coax |

66. ASCETIC n. one who practices self-denial, | 96. BLASÉ- bored because of frequent indulgence; |

67. ASPERITY severity; harshness; irritability | 97. BOLSTER to give a boost to; prop up;support |

68. ASPERSION slander; false rumor | 98. BOMBASTIC pompous; using inflatedlanguage |

69. ASSIDUOUS diligent; hard-working | 99. BOORISH rude; insensitive |

70. ASSUAGE to make less severe | 100. BOVINE –cowlike |

71. ASTRINGENT harsh; severe | 101. BRAZEN -bold; shameless |

72. ASYLUM place of refuge or shelter | 102. BROACH- to mention for the first time |

73. ATAVISM in biology, the reappearance of individual | 103. BUCOLIC- characteristic of the countryside; rustic; |

or a part a characteristic in an organism | 104. BURGEON -to flourish |

74. ATTENUATE to weaken | 105. BURNISH to polish |

75. AUDACIOUS bold; daring | 106. BUTTRESS to reinforce; support |

76. AUSTERE stern; unadorned | 107. CACOPHONOUS unpleasant or harsh-sounding |

77. AUTONOMOUS self-governing; independent | 108. CADGE to beg; sponge |

78. AVARICE greed | 109. CALLOUS- thick-skinned; insensitive |

79. AVER to affirm; declare to be true | 110. CALUMNY- false and malicious accusation; |

80. AVOCATION secondary occupation | 111. CANARD false, deliberately misleading story112. CANON an established principle;113. CANT insincere talk; language of a particular group114. CANTANKEROUS irritable; ill-humored115. CAPRICIOUS-fickle, inclination to change mind116. CAPTIOUS faultfinding; intended to entrap, 117. CARDINAL of foremost importance118. CARNAL of the flesh or body; related to physical 119. CARPING to find fault; complain120. CARTOGRAPHY science of making MAPS121. CASTE any of the hereditary...