Zodiac Killer Matrix

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Date Submitted: 02/10/2016 11:47 PM

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Unit 2 Assignment: Zodiac Killer Matrix

|Key Term |Hint |Question |Insert answers below. |

|Actus reus |The first general feature of crime is|What act was committed in violation | |

| |that there has to be an act in |of the law? | |

| |violation of the law. | | |

|Mens rea |A guilty mind is the second general |Should the Zodiac be held to blame | |

| |feature that has to be established |for this crime? Did the Zodiac intend| |

| |and is probably the most complex |the consequences of his or her | |

| |because it involves subjective |actions? | |

| |evaluation of the mind. | | |

|Concurrence |The third element is the concurrence |Were the Zodiac’s actions linked with| |

| |of the act and the intent. |the intent? | |

|Harm |The harm in this case, the death of |What is the harm caused by the Zodiac| |

| |another human being, is easily |killer? | |

| |identified. | |...