A Unified Formulation of Rmvt Based Finite Cylindrical Layer Methods for Functionally Graded Material Sandwich Cylinders

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Date Submitted: 03/09/2016 07:49 PM

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國 立 成 功 大 學

土 木 工 程 研 究 所

碩 士 論 文

Reissner 混合變分原理有限圓柱層殼元素法在功能性材


A unified formulation of RMVT-based finite cylindrical layer methods for functionally

graded material sandwich cylinders

研 究 生: 張祐造

指導教授: 吳致平


中 華 民 國 一零一 年 六 月


國 立 成 功 大 學

土 木 工 程 研 究 所

碩 士 論 文

Reissner 混合變分原理有限圓柱層殼元素法在功能性材


A unified formulation of RMVT-based finite cylindrical layer methods for functionally

graded material sandwich cylinders

研 究 生: 張祐造

指導教授: 吳致平


中 華 民 國 一零一 年 六 月


Reissner j~~~~~J.l~




A Unified Formulation of RMVT -Based Finite

Cylindrical Layer Methods for Functionally Graded

Material Sandwich Cylinders


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本文提出以 Reissner 混合變分原理(Reissner’s mixed variational theorem, RMVT)

為基礎的有限層殼方法(finite cylindrical layer methods, FCLMs)歸一理論,應用於具簡



中將圓柱殼細分為數個有限圓柱層,其中以三角函數與 Lagrange 多項式函數對每一

離散層各面內與面外變數進行內插 利用 h-refinement 代替 p-refinemen 來對求得之數




關鍵字: 功能性梯度材料、RMVT、有限層殼方法、圓柱殼


A unified formulation of finite cylindrical layer methods (FCLMs) based on the

Reissner mixed variational theorem (RMVT) is developed for the quasi-three-dimensional

(3D) analysis of simply-supported, multilayered composite cylinders and sandwich circular

hollow cylinders with an embedded functionally graded material (FGM) cylindrical layer,

subject to mechanical loads. The material properties of the FGM layer are assumed to obey

an exponent-law varying exponentially with the thickness coordinate. In this formulation,

the circular hollow cylinder is divided into a number of finite cylindrical layers, in which

the trigonometric functions and Lagrange polynomials are...