Submitted by: Submitted by cammie
Views: 807
Words: 1174
Pages: 5
Category: English Composition
Date Submitted: 03/05/2011 07:14 PM
Exercise 1:
Word Analogy
Part 1
Write the type of analogy by reading its definition.
1. Objects can be given classification, a group of objects to which they belong.
A. Opposites analogies
B. Objects and group analogies
C. Objects and related objects
2. These are objects which form a specially named group when several are put together
A. Cause and effect
B. Object and group
C. Classification analogies
3. Can be best explain, consists of adjectives but this is not always have to be like the flat to skyscraper example depicts
A. Degree of characteristic
B. Problem and solution
C. Object and group
4. Type of analogy in which two tenses of a verb are analogous to two of the same tenses of another verb
A. Performer and action
B. Location analogy
C. Verb tenses analogy
5. Some objects have designated functions which are inseparably connected
A. Object and function analogy
B. Object and part of a whole
C. Effort and result analogies
6. Is based on taking two sets of performers and their corresponding actions
A. Verb tenses analogy
B. Performer and action
C. Rhyme analogy
7. The object is not automatically the whole when lots of the object are brought together
A. Object and group
B. Object and location
C. Object and part of a whole
8. Things that are opposite to each other
A. Opposite analogy
B. Object and group
C. Rhyme analogy
9. Provided it is no basis rhyme type can be a very hard analogy to encounter
A. Things that go together
B. Rhyme analogy
C. Opposite analogy
10. Some objects like for example salt and pepper are indisputably connected to each other
A. Object and classification
B. Things that go together
C. Object and location
Part 2:
Matching Type
Connect the examples ( A) to the type of analogy (B)
A. B.
1. statue and socket a. verb tenses
2. dog and dog house...