Indian Automobile Industry

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Date Submitted: 03/23/2011 07:56 AM

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The Indian Automotive Industry

Evolving Dynamics



The automotive industry is one of the focus industries for KPMG globally, given its the emerging economies of China and India.

importance both in the mature economies of countries such as the US and Germany, and in The Indian automobile industry has emerged stronger from the recent global downturn, and sales across all segments have seen record breaking numbers in the recent past. While the Indian industry has much to look forward to, by way of steady growth in both domestic and export markets, there are some clear challenges accompanying the opportunities in greener vehicles and alternative mobility.

In order to capitalize on these opportunities, the industry needs to develop or acquire technologies and capabilities to produce vehicles that meet future market needs. The government for its part has much to do to ensure the growth trends are maintained, and encourage the development of greener vehicles, while also improving compliance to even existing environmental standards.

This report attempts to capture how the Indian automobile industry is expected to develop in the longer term, and what role each stakeholder needs to fulfill in order to be geared up for evolving requirements.

We have been aided in our study by several senior executives from India’s automotive sector and we would like to express our gratitude to each of them. It has been an exciting exercise for us to compile this report through discussions with hope that you find it interesting and insightful too.

various industry personnel and by examining similar trends developing in other markets. We

Dieter Becker

Managing Partner and Global Head – Automotive

Yezdi Nagporewalla

National Head - Automotive KPMG in India

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