The White Elephant

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D. Battle

English 112

5 April 2016

An Analysis of Ernest Hemingway’s, “Hills Like White Elephants”

In Ernest Hemingway’s, “Hills Like White Elephants” Jig and an American wait on the afternoon train to Madrid. Due to an unplanned pregnancy the two protagonists are at an impasse in their relationship. In the discussion that Hemingway chronicles, it is apparent that even if Jig capitulates to the American’s demands, their relationship is doomed to failure. This is made apparent through the use of symbolism in the title, setting and conversation between the two characters.

The title of the story is the first indicator to the undercurrent of conflict that permeates the narrative from the beginning; the white elephant in question referring to “the figurative use of the term as a gift or possession that is worthless”, harmful or very expensive to maintain (Weeks 17). The obvious allusion being that a baby between Jig and the American would be unwanted by at least one of them, burdensome and undoubtedly very expensive to keep. Reflecting on their relationship to date, there is also a correlation to be made that what was once freewheeling and simplistic is now going to be emotionally expensive to maintain regardless of the outcome at the train station.

There is a point and counterpoint to everything about the setting of the story, which is a metaphor for the differing feelings that Jig and the man have on how to resolve the pregnancy. The station itself lies between two train lines (Hemingway 114). One line carrying a train from Barcelona to Madrid and the other running to some unknowable location. This is a vital distinction because Madrid is the destination where the abortion is supposed to take place and getting on the other train would mean going anywhere but where the operation is happening. The other track offers possibilities and an ending to the narrative in line with Jig’s desires. She says as much when referring to the baby she states, “Doesn’t it mean...