Submitted by: Submitted by nwise88
Views: 574
Words: 1572
Pages: 7
Category: Business and Industry
Date Submitted: 05/25/2011 05:25 AM
Family Related Issues
Assignment #2
Tony Sulka is scorn between the decision of choosing either his family or employment. Tony Sulka, a salesman at Rally Motors Dealership, is having some personal issues with his family. His father, who hasn’t really been a part of his life, is sick and needs Tony to care for him. Tony discusses this matter wit Herman, his boss. Tony confided in Herman and discussed his personal issues about his father. Herman seemed to be very supportive of the fact that Tony wants to take care of his father, which is until Tony states that he would need three weeks off to get his father situated in his house. Herman is now against this because of the amount of time Tony wants to take off. Herman wants to deny Family Medical Leave for Tony and even threatens that Tony might not have his job when he comes back. Herman’s reaction to this was very unreasonable and self-centered. There is even a heavier burden placed on Tony now. Will he choose his father or his job?
In this paper, I will explain if it matters that a parent literally had nothing to do with a biological child in order for the child to take advantage of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to care for that parent. Second, I will explain whether the size of the business can have any effect on whether Tony takes a leave of absence under the Family and Medical Leave Act. Third, I will explain whether Herman can or cannot imply that if Tony takes a leave of absence under the Family and Medical Leave Act, he may not have a job when he returns. Fourthly, I will provide a description of who is covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Last, I will explain the extent to which an employer can make his or her own determination as to the eligibility of an employee under the Family and Medical Leave Act.
Explain if it Matters that a Parent Literally Had Nothing to do with a Biological Child in Order for the Child to take Advantage of the Family and...