Chinese Idioms

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Date Submitted: 06/11/2011 04:28 PM

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乐此不疲delight in a thing and never get tired of it

嫁鸡随鸡 to advice to be contented with the man a woman has married

无可厚非no serious mistakes committed

一言难尽 it’s a long story

真命女神 goddess ordained by heaven

一面之缘  having met once only (as ordained by fate)

语无伦次to speak incoherently; to talk in a confused manner

神经错乱 to go bananas

断绝来往 to drop an acquaintance

移情别恋shift one's love to another person; have a new sweetheart; love another

不可理喻 to be impervious to reason

辗转难眠toss about in bed

情不自禁cannot control oneself

欲罢不能cannot help doing sth.

多多益善 the more the better

默默承受 suffer in silence

一心二用 multi-task

追根问底get to the root of the matter

四目相对 eye to eye

答非所问 cross questions and crookcd answers

信守诺言 to keep a promise

死皮赖脸 shameless

顺其自然 Let it be, let nature take its course

学富五车 be very learned

英雄所见略同 great minds think alike

金屋藏娇 to settle one's young wife in a golden house; to keep a mistress in a splendid abode; to live with one's young wife in a plush apartment; to take a concubine

多愁善感 sentimental; emotional and sensitive; oversensitive; always melancholy and moody

多管闲事 poke one's nose into other people's business

因人而异/熠 varies from person to person

无可厚非 to give no cause for much criticism

目光短浅 shortsighted

过意不去 feel sorry

托付终生spend the rest of life

脑子进水What were you thinking

善解人意being considerate

不切实际 unrealistic

长痛不如短痛Better a finger off than always aching

无动于衷aloof and indifferent; unmoved; untouched; unconcerned

一厢情愿one's own wishful thinking; unilateral willingness

无理取闹make trouble out of nothing

亲身体验 firsthand experience

一见钟情  love at first sight

口无遮拦 careless way

大言不惭brag unblushingly

前后矛盾 antilogy, inconsistency

鼓起勇气to nerve oneself; to screw up one's courage; to muster up one's courage; to embolden; to look up

久治不愈 has not healed for a long time

遍体鳞伤beat somebody's black and blue  

一网打尽(of criminals, rebels or other undesirable elements) round up the whole lot
