Why People Divorce Their Bosses

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Category: Other Topics

Date Submitted: 01/10/2012 01:18 AM

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There are multiple of reasons why people divorce their bosses the issue might be in the boss side and it may be on the employee side as well. Some of the major issue which I find is as follows.


1. Distrust among employee and boss

2. Lack of Information sharing /Mentoring

3. Too much demand of boss from employee

4. Less challenging job to competent person

5. Boss not fight for the right of his employee

6. Non motivational aptitude of the Boss

Description of the above mentioned points are as follows.

1. Distrust among employee and Boss:

This is one of the major issue in leading to the clash among boss and employee. Trust is very difficult to get but once it has been establish the working would be very much easy for both of the parties no matter how much critical the situation would be. Employee always eager to obtain the trust of their boss it’s their bosses who have to forward their hand in order to make a strong team.

2. Lack of Information Sharing/Mentoring:

Information sharing is always useful in developing a strong trust and team. Similarly boss from time to time perform the function of the mentoring for their employees. So information sharing and mentoring by the boss would definitely develop a strong team. But it has been observed that the bosses with less information sharing and mentoring with their employees could not be able to develop a strong team and their employees always not happy with their bosses.

3. Too much demand of Boss from employee:

If there is too much demand of work from boss to their employee than employee would always unhappy with his boss because the with work its necessary to have social need as well and when there is a lot of work than his social portion of the life would definitely in trouble and that leads to anger in that person so at last he is going to either divorce his wife if he is married or he is going to divorce his boss.

4. Less Challenging job to the...