Abnormal Psychology

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Category: Philosophy and Psychology

Date Submitted: 02/14/2012 06:48 AM

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* Definition of Abnormality:- What I feel, do and think that can bother myself or others. Actions, thoughts and feelings that either bothers the individual or others at large. Ex, what I think about my wife having fun with another guy while in reality she is working. [Abnormal Thinking]

* Standards for What is Normal & What is Abnormal

a. Statistical Deviation: [Bell Shaped Graph] Abnormality is a statistical term that deviates from the norm or average.

Humans are being distributed along a bell-shaped curve in which those who lie in the middle are considered to be the most normal people. Those who lie on the other sides are considered to be more abnormal people.

b. Cultural Relativism:- [No Universal Rule for Labeling a Behavior as Abnormal] What is normal or abnormal behavior depends on the culture people live within in which actions that are normal in Canada may be abnormal in UAE. Ex, a man kissing another man.

c. Unusualness of Behavior:- Many things people do that others find strange especially those of different generations. What today’s generation find normal previous generations (Grandma) may find it unusual behavior and thus abnormal. Ex, piercing/Guys with earrings.

d. Discomfort of the person exhibiting behavior:- When people continuously feel something bothering them, such as hot weather, suffer as a result of a specific behavior and wish to get rid of.

e. Mental Illness:- Exists when there is a physical disease. The person’s abnormal behavior is a symptom of a physical disorder (biogenic def.) Ex, Alzheimer Disease, Schizophrenia.

f. Maladaptiveness:- Adapted to fear in a wrong way. Instead of correcting the problem you run away from the problem. It leads to phobia.

* Maladaptive to one’s self:- Inability to reach goals to adapt to the demands of life.

* Maladaptive to society:- Interferes/Disrupts social group functioning.

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