Submitted by: Submitted by Britanii13
Views: 329
Words: 395
Pages: 2
Category: Other Topics
Date Submitted: 02/29/2012 11:24 AM
Section 1
I took the nutrition quiz and I got 60% percent. I thought that was a pretty good score. I don't know a lot about nutrition but I can kind of figure out which vitamins and thinks are linked together so I didn't do too bad.
Section 2
Types of foods that I would typically eat on any given day are things like pastas with meat and veggies in them or healthy cereals and I only drink soy milk. I generally try to buy healthy food if I can because I don't exercise very much.
The times of day that I usually eat are in the morning anywhere between 8-10am depending on work. Then again for lunch around 1-3pm and one last time for dinner usually between 5-7pm.
I am usually responsible for buying groceries and deciding what I want to eat along with my boyfriend. We eat really health for people our age for the most
part I think.
Unhealthy foods. Oh gosh I love all kinds of bad food! I don't eat it all too often but I love sweets like cookies and ice cream a lot and I also really love pizza and any kind of pasta and bread. I'm not sure what could really "replace" these foods but I know there is always a healthier choice in any kind of category someone might like whether its low fat or sugar free.
Challenges being young and out on my own make it hard to eat health but luckily my boyfriend and I are able to shop at the base commissary so prices are a lot more affordable and its easier for us to afford healthier foods when we shop.
Section 3
I read the article that talked about how high fructose corn syrup had been found to make people gain more weight than those who don't consume as much. Research at Princeton supported their statement by testing on lab rats and they said that rats given more high fructose corn syrup in their diet weighed more especially in their abdomen area. I was most surprised to hear how much sugar Americans typically eat in any given year. 60 pounds! That is a whole lot of sugar and it makes me want to cut out sweets even...