Operations Management

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Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 03/31/2012 11:33 PM

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Operations Management, Summer 2011

Materials and Pedagogy

x Principles of Operations Management, Raturi and Evans, Thomson Southwestern, 2005.

x Cases and handouts (posted on Blackboard)

The course schedule is outlined. You must prepare for each class by reading the chapter and/or the

case assigned on the schedule. I will give handouts in class to support the material. Typically,

each week will focus on a topic and consist of

9 a case discussion

9 a lecture on the topic shown in the schedule and

9 a class exercise.

Staying Connected

Amitabh Raturi, 530 Lindner Hall, Office Hours: W 3:30 5 PM

Phone: (513)556 7192(direct or voicemail) or 556 7140(secretary)

Fax: (513)556 4891

email: amit.raturi@uc.edu

Operations Management – Course Objectives

1. To understand the role of operations in different types of organizations and how

operations can be a source of competitive advantage for any organization.

 To recognize the tradeoffs and alternatives that operations managers’ face and the impact

their choices have on the organization s capabilities and success.

 To understand and recognize the contribution of emergent concepts in

product and service development,

process design, and

capacity and facilities strategy.

 To understand specific concepts related to

x Enterprise resource planning

x Capacity planning and bottleneck analysis

x Project management

x Supply chain management

x Quality management.


This course is structured around concepts of mastery learning. You will demonstrate your

learning through class participation, assignments, and two exams. Your overall assessment will

be based on:


2 exams (25% for quiz 1, 25% for quiz 2)


1 journal of daily entries on the day of quiz 2


2 group case reports


Class participation

Amit Raturix2011

Operations Management: Syllabus x 1

Case Reports (30%)

Two group case reports are due on the case discussion dates shown on the schedule. Your

group can...