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Category: People

Date Submitted: 04/26/2012 09:44 PM

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01. D o You Want Me (DeaD?) / 0 2. I F eel lIke DancIn’ / 0 3. F orget about It * / 0 4. g uts

05. t IMe-boMb *** / 0 6. J ust the WaY I’M not ** / 0 7. u nDer a PaPer Moon / 0 8. r eturn the Favor

0 9. n o IDea / 1 0. a D aYDreaM aWaY / 1 1. t hat gIrl **** / 1 2. h eroes / 1 3. g et DoWn on Your

knees anD tell Me You love Me / 1 4. M Y onlY one *** / 1 5. M errY chrIstMas, kIss MY ass*****

M I k e g r e e n / excePt: * P r o D u c e D b Y J o h n F I e l D s /

* * * P r o D u c e D b Y M at t s q u I r e / * * * * P r o D u c e D b Y D a v I D k a h n e /

ProDuceD bY

butch Walker

*****ProDuceD bY u 4 l

**ProDuceD bY

D GC ReCoRDs, 2220 ColoRaDo

ave., santa MoniCa, Ca 90404

ManufaCtuReD anD DistRibuteD

in the uniteD states by univeRsal

MusiC DistRibution. P C 2 011

DGC ReCoRDs. all RiGhts ReseRveD.




LL like thank


You. You anD You alWaYs. We WrIte the saMe stuFF In these “thank You” sectIons everY tIMe, but For real, We Mean It-- everY tIMe. It’s lIke the boY Who crIeD WolF, coMbIneD WIth the InDIan In the cuPboarD MovIe... You Don’t knoW Who or What to belIeve, but that buck-tootheD gnar-babY DeFInItelY brought that PlastIc

FIgurIne to lIFe, Whether You lIke It or not. It haPPeneD! It’s kInD oF lIke hoW You guYs brIng us to lIFe. get It? no? FIne! / anYWaY... thank You so Much For the suPPort anD love You’ve shoWn us over the Years. We have so Much Fun WIth You... anD a bIg, verY sPecIal thanks to all oF the hustlers, (the PartIes have been

rIDIculous... thank You For takIng our v-carDs.) / also! / bIg uP’s to: MontI olson, luke WooD, brenDa roMano, JIMMY IovIne, anD everYone at our neW Dgc/InterscoPe FaMIlY. keIth lazorchak (Who thankeD hIMselF, technIcallY...), ron oPaleskI, MartIn horne, scott braDForD, MarkY anD everYone else at glaMour kIlls, Ian

harrIson, erIc tobIn, louIs Posen, anD the staFF at hoPeless recorDs, nano tIssera, craIg Monahan, MIssY Worth, Pat Magnarella,...

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