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Date Submitted: 05/03/2012 08:39 PM

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摘 要:广告语是日常生活中常见的语言形式,是信息时代化的一个重要社会现象,广告语言属于劝导性说服性的语言,是社会用语的一个重要组成部分,其最终目的是向潜在的顾客群体传递产品或服务信息并最终劝说人们实施购买行为。广告作者为了宣传或促销某种商品和服务,尽可能地采用一切语言及非语言的技巧来实现广告宣传的目的。“预设”就是广告策略中的一个。预设,由于其自身的特点,常被广告撰写人用来增强广告语言的说服效果,从而彰显广告语言的魅力。本文通过回顾预设的理论背景,分析总结了预设在广告语言中的分类以及预设在广告中的功能。通过本文的研究,目的是希望能够帮助广告设计者更加有效地运用语用预设这一策略,设计出更加科学,更具有吸引力的广告。同时也希望对消费者辨别广告信息的真伪和选择适合的产品提供一定的启发。

关键词:语用预设; 广告; 功能; 广告语言;

Analyze advertising language in the phrase of Presupposition


(HEU,Foreign Languages Department,Heilongjiang Harbin150001)

Abstract: Advertising language is a common form of language in daily life and is an important an important social phenomenon in information age. Advertising language is a language of persuasion persuasive, the ultimate goal is to potential customer groups, product or service information transfer and ultimately to persuade people to implement purchasing behavior. Advertising or promotion of the authors of some kind in order to promote goods and services, as much as possible with all the verbal and nonverbal skills to achieve the purpose of advertising. Presupposition is one of a very important language tools. Presupposition has its unique features, which and help enhance the persuasiveness of advertising language and show the charm of advertising language. This paper reviews the theory background of presupposition and analyze the classification of presupposition in advertising language, functions of presupposition, and the use of presupposition in advertising language. The author hope to help advertisers more effective use of the designer presupposition of this strategy, design a more scientific and more attractive advertising. Also hope to distinguish advertising messages to consumers to choose products authenticity and provide some inspiration.

Keywords: presupposition; advertising; function; advertising language;

