Sedimentary Rock Worksheet

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Sedimentary Rock Worksheet

Use the following table to describe and distinguish between the effects of weathering and erosion. Each response must be at least 200 words.

|Effects of Weathering |Effects of Erosion |What are the Differences? |

|Weathering is usually caused by water as it|Soil is removed naturally by ocean |Weathering is the breakdown of rocks |

|freezes and thaws. Large cracks can form in|currents, water, ice, wind or living |through physical processes; whereas erosion|

|large rock formations as a result of frost |organisms and is called erosion. This |is the wearing a way of bedrock and the |

|wedging. Frost wedging is a form of |displacement of soil, mud, rock and other |transport of particles by water. Erosion is|

|mechanical weathering. Many popular rock |particles has been occurring for over 450 |caused by the movement of water, but |

|formations became what they are today |million years. This is a downward movement |weathering is not caused by movement |

|through the process of weathering and the |in response to gravity. Erosion is a | |

|rock cycle. Salt crystals can form in |natural process and can be healthy for the | |

|cracks and joints of rocks near the ocean. |ecosystem, but oftentimes is made worse by | |

|The sea water gets trapped in the cracks |human use such as deforestation/removal of | |

|and evaporates; eventually salt crystals |vegetation, overgrazing, unmanaged | |

|form in the cracks breaking down the rock. |construction or building of roads. Improved| |

|The Salt Point State Park in California...