Race and My Community

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Words: 1846

Pages: 8

Category: Societal Issues

Date Submitted: 03/13/2009 05:14 AM

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The Garden City,

The AUG,:

We Feel Good![3]


Race and My Community

I am a Mexican American. Did you know that there are more than forty-two million Hispanic Americans living in the United States? We make up the largest minority in the country. Hispanic Americans are also the fastest-growing U.S. minority group due to high birth rates and the continuing migration to the U.S. from the different countries abroad. Most of Hispanic Americans do speak English, but prefer to speak and use Spanish as well. In addition to language, Hispanic Americans have continued to preserve and continue living by their family traditions from their homeland. Many of the foods, music, clothing style and much more have had a great impact and influence on U.S. culture. Hispanic Americans are also called Latinos, because most are of Latin American origin. There are many Hispanics who simply describe themselves as American, but there are others who identify themselves with their cultural and national backgrounds, such as Mexican Americans, Cuban Americans and so forth.

I have lived in Augusta Georgia for the past 17 years. The Augusta area consists of a diverse community with a total metro area population of about 477,000 according to www.diversitydata.org. The chart below is based on information from the U.S. Census Bureau and the 2000 census indicates population according to race and ethnicity.

|POPULATION DEMOGRAPHICS AND DIVERSITY: Total Population by Race/Ethnicity |

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|1980 |
